Placement to Highland Wood and Hyland Crest, as well as wait list information, is provided through the Central East LHIN’s Home and Community Care office.
Central East LHIN’s Home and Community Care
Contact the Haliburton Central East LHIN’s Home and Community Care office for more information (contact information available on the bottom, right-hand side of this page.)
Long-Term Care homes can provide a residential alternative for patients with high care needs, who meet the following criteria:
18 years of age or older;
Have a valid Ontario Health Card;
Have health-care needs that cannot be met with any combination of caregiving in the home or community; and
Have health-care needs that can be met in a Long-Term Care home.
Selecting a home
After contacting Home and Community Care, the Long-Term Care home placement process includes a multi-part assessment, including by a Care Coordinator, to ensure there is an accurate record of your medical history, and to help determine eligibility for Long-Term Care.
Your Care Coordinator will discuss all options, including providing options for Long-Term Care homes. You can apply to as many as five homes. The wait times for long-term care homes vary widely, so decisions about which homes you are applying to will help determine the amount of time you will wait for long-term care.
Once a spot in a chosen Long-Term Care home becomes available, you will be contacted by your Care Coordinator, and you will have 24 hours to consent to the admission. If you move to a home that is not your first choice, you may stay on the waiting list for your other choices, if you wish.
Please note that the Ministry of Long-Term Care encourages couples to stay together in long-term care, and gives priority to the second spouse to join their partner as quickly as possible, if they so choose.